Summer is officially here and I hope y’all are soaking up the sun! Did you know that sunlight helps boost a chemical in your brain called serotonin, that can give you more energy and help keep you calm, positive and focused? ☀️ + it’s FREE!! 😂

In this week’s newsletter, I’ll be…
✅ sharing tips on how to be lifted in public without feeling anxious
🔬 looking at research on how cannabinoids impact low back pain
🍃 sharing my new video behind the scenes of a cannabis facility in Toronto
⚡️ Time for a tolerance break?
Download my FREE t-break guide to get started!
✋🏻 Billy from 📍 Ajax, Canada asks…
Q: How do I enjoy the high without being anxious and paranoid?
A: Being anxious after consuming cannabis is never a good feeling, and can feel more intense especially if you’re in a public setting. However, don't worry — there are things you can do to prevent yourself from experiencing this in the future.
Here are some tips on what to do before consuming to avoid feeling anxious:
🧐 Check your mental and set an intention
If your mood wasn’t in a good place before consuming, perhaps don’t consume. It’s important to go into your experiences with a positive mindset and intention. As cannabis is a psychoactive substance, it can exacerbate pre-existing mental health conditions. If you are in a good headspace and choose to consume, set an intention for what kind of experience you want. For example, if I’m going to consume before a social gathering, I will set an intention with myself that I’m going to have a great night. I’ll literally talk to myself before the event — sounds silly but it works!
🧪 Mind your dose
Sometimes people consume way too much than their mind or body can handle, and that can lead to an uncomfortable feeling. It’s important to start low and go slow to ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience. If you know that a certain dose made you feel anxious before, don’t take that dose again — it’s as simple as that!
Now you might be in a situation where you’ve already consumed and find yourself anxious. If this is happening, try these tips:
🌳 Change your environment
Perhaps you are in a crowded space or you’re around company that you don’t enjoy. The best thing to do is remove yourself from the environment and go to a space that makes you feel comfortable. It’s as simple as stepping outside and taking a breath of fresh air.
💦 Have a snack and hydrate
Sometimes we’re hangry and dehydrated which can negatively impact our mood. Especially after the plant, we may feel our ghrelin hormones asking for a snack, and our mouth can feel dry. I like to keep a water bottle with electrolytes handy and I always have a little snack in my purse.
🫁 Find a quiet space, take 4 secs deep breaths in and out + repeat
One of my go-to ways to reduce anxiety quickly is to breathe — breathe in for 4 seconds, hold at the top, and then breathe out for 4 seconds. I also like to visualize drawing a square with my mind when I’m doing this.
➡️ For your chance to be featured, submit your questions here
🌿 Let’s Tour a 16,000 Sq Ft Grow In My Hometown!

I’m so excited to share this week’s video drop with you! This was my first time visiting a cannabis cultivation and processing facility, and it was right in the heart of Toronto, Canada! I learned so much about everything that goes behind the scenes and all the work that it takes to grow our favourite plant 🙌 I hope you all enjoy this video — I had so much fun producing and editing it 🥹
🗞️ Can Cannabis Help With Low Back Pain?
Did you know that low back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide? It’s estimated that 619 million people across the world have this pain, and it’s only continuing to increase 😞
I used to have low back pain in my early twenties, when I was commuting to work for 3+ hours sitting in a car, and then sitting for another 8 hours at work. It was the worst years of my life and I was so young at the time. I eventually cured my low back pain simply by adjusting my lifestyle — I started incorporating daily 30-minute walks, and I stand up and get movement at every hour when I’m working. On top of that, I walk everywhere in the city and I no longer have to sit in a car to commute anymore 🙏🏻
This 2024 review looks at evidence for the endocannabinoid system as a therapeutic target for low back pain. One study showed that expression of genes encoding features of the ECS was altered in low back pain states, and those with acute and chronic low back pain had increased levels of CNR2 mRNA expression in circulating blood compared to healthy controls. However, there is also conflicting evidence of the effectiveness of cannabis for low back pain. As with a lot of cannabis studies, more research is needed to understand the impact of cannabinoids on the body.
Anecdoctally, a lot of people (including myself) use cannabis topicals for the physical body such as for relieving sore muscles, addressing neck and shoulder tightness, using for period cramps, and much more. I’ve found some benefits in using topicals, but keep in mind, that not every topical is going to be good — you have to look at the formulation and the ingredients that they’re using to make the topical.
📚 Download my FREE Tolerance Break Guide For Your Next T-Break

Are you someone who has been consuming cannabis for a long time, and you’ve finally decided that you should probably take a break?
Or maybe you’re someone who is just genuinely curious about t-breaks, and you want to learn how to create a healthy relationship with the plant? Whichever person you are, this guide is perfect for you.